Sunday, January 12, 2014

Look, Mommy! The sky is pink!

"Look, Mommy! The sky is pink!"

We looked out from our family room, and behold! My beauty-loving 3 year old daughter was right. 

I'm glad she pointed it out because sunsets don't last long. And we've been under cloud cover since last year, it seems. I'm glad my 3-going-on-13 year old girl says what's on her mind. We would have missed this beautiful sky otherwise. 

I wanted to share this with you because while real life is sometimes messy and complicated, it also has moments of beauty. Moments of fun. Wonderful times that turn into wonderful memories. Those things will be shared here also... unedited, of course. Difficult, pull-your-hair-out, frustrating times aren't ALWAYS happening to me, and I doubt that is your reality, too. 

I hope you enjoy the happy and maybe even pretty things posted in this blog. As always, the pics will be unfiltered and unedited. Because this is real life, and we should all stop to see the sunset once in a while.


  1. Great picture! And even better reminder to just stop and smell the roses sometimes! I look forward to reading more from your blog!

    1. Thank you! I think we all need to be reminded of that once in a while. Our society isn't set up for just stopping, is it?! Thanks for reading. Hope you return many times!

  2. Love this just like I love you! Excited to here about your wonderful (and not so wonderful moments!) :)

  3. and christmas tree is still up....although it is fake so it isn't falling apart...but it is the middle of january! not really in a rush...but sometime before february is ok...right?

    1. I think that's totally fine! I have a friend that took off all the ornaments and just wants the (fake) tree up with lights until Valentine's day. I have to say that removing all the Christmas decorations makes my house look really empty and under decorated!
