Saturday, January 11, 2014

O, Christmas Tree!

Yes, this is my Christmas tree and it's still up. I know it isn't so ridiculously past Christmas that everyone is judging me, but if you look closely at the tree skirt, the ornaments are voluntarily leaving the wilting branches. 

And here's one that didn't quite make it. I think he fell a few days ago. Poor twisted snowman.

It's past time for the tree to come down, but everything that is has a story: I have 3 children (5.5 yrs, 3.5 yrs and 1.5 yrs - yes, they all have birthdays in April. You can go ahead and make fun of me.), a husband who works midnights and about 65-70 hours per week. On top of all that, my husband has been studying for the last 5 or 6 months during all of his "extra moments" for a promotional exam. So as much as I would like to take down the tree, I just have more pressing things to take care of (namely doing dishes, changing diapers and making dinners). Around January 4 I realized this task isn't going to happen until my husband takes that exam. 

So, who else is in the same boat? Who else is sitting there with your Frasier Fir looking less than glorious and no idea when you'll be able to take it down? Don't be shy. Raise your hand and let me know. This is unedited life... where we can all be real, admit we aren't perfect and polished all the time and have dried out Christmas trees in our living rooms well after kids have gone back to school. 

For more Unedited Life Project photos and commentary, follow @uneditedlifeproject on Instagram or visit


  1. Love this idea!! We did get our tree down this week, but not before it dropped half of it's needles. My issue is the laundry. It didn't help that we had a flood right before Christmas, so I had about 10 extra loads of laundry. Still trying to catch up from that!
    Looking forward to following along!

    1. Thanks for following! That means a lot to me :) Oh, our tree was so dried out. We'll be finding needles until next Christmas, I'm sure. Sorry about your flood. That stinks! Hope the laundry is done soon... wait, that's like the one chore that will never be done since you're wearing clothes while you're doing laundry... *sigh*

  2. I know how you feel. My tree is looking 'O so pathetic' ( insert O Christmas tree melody here). I too have 3 kids and I seem to be forever folding laundry or wiping someone else's butt. And I cook, too. I just found your site. Love it! Maybe we can agree to keep them as Valentine trees? Or not. I sit here while everyone is sleeping and I should be cleaning or folding laundry but I just wanna enjoy the sounds of quiet and my hubby snoring. LOL Thank you for being real and having a great attitude.
